A and B start from the same ground and direction at the same time and make a straight-line movement on the same horizontal highway. A makes a uniform deceleration movement with an initial speed of 16m / s and an acceleration of 2m / S2, Party A and Party B start from the same ground and direction at the same time, and move in a straight line on the same level highway. Party A decelerates uniformly with an initial speed of 16m / s and an acceleration of 2m / S2, and Party B moves uniformly with an initial speed of 4m / s and an acceleration of 4m / S2 (1) The maximum distance between two cars (2) How long does it take for two cars to meet

A and B start from the same ground and direction at the same time and make a straight-line movement on the same horizontal highway. A makes a uniform deceleration movement with an initial speed of 16m / s and an acceleration of 2m / S2, Party A and Party B start from the same ground and direction at the same time, and move in a straight line on the same level highway. Party A decelerates uniformly with an initial speed of 16m / s and an acceleration of 2m / S2, and Party B moves uniformly with an initial speed of 4m / s and an acceleration of 4m / S2 (1) The maximum distance between two cars (2) How long does it take for two cars to meet

This problem is very simple, only need to know one condition: when the speed of a and B 2 cars is equal, the distance between them is the largest