The weight of a vehicle is 5T, the rated power is 80kW, the acceleration a = 1m / S2 is used for uniform acceleration linear motion, the resistance of the vehicle is 0.06 times of the vehicle weight, G is taken as 10m / S2 To find the average power of the car in the process of uniformly accelerating linear motion

The weight of a vehicle is 5T, the rated power is 80kW, the acceleration a = 1m / S2 is used for uniform acceleration linear motion, the resistance of the vehicle is 0.06 times of the vehicle weight, G is taken as 10m / S2 To find the average power of the car in the process of uniformly accelerating linear motion

If only the average power is calculated, then the average power is: P = P / 2 = 80kW / 2 = 40kW. In addition, the traction force of uniform acceleration: F = ma + F = ma + μ mg = m (a + μ g) = 5 * 10 ^ 3 (1 + 0.06 * 10) = 8 * 10 ^ 3N. The maximum speed of uniform acceleration: v = P / F = 80 * 10 ^ 3 / (8 * 10 ^ 3) = 10m / s