1. When someone bought an article, he paid the salesperson 50 yuan. The salesperson misjudged the decimal point of the price of the article and gave him 46.75 yuan. He said that he found too much. How much is the price of the article? If you add the divisor, divisor, quotient sum and the remainder, the sum is 43, the divisor is (), and the divisor is ()

1. When someone bought an article, he paid the salesperson 50 yuan. The salesperson misjudged the decimal point of the price of the article and gave him 46.75 yuan. He said that he found too much. How much is the price of the article? If you add the divisor, divisor, quotient sum and the remainder, the sum is 43, the divisor is (), and the divisor is ()

1. Set price X Yuan
X = 32.5 yuan
2. Let the divisor X be 3x + 4