1. Party A and Party B set out from two places AB and walked towards each other. When they met, Party A walked 12.5 kilometers more than Party B. It is known that one third of the distance traveled by Party A is equal to three fourths of the distance traveled by Party B. how many kilometers are there between two places AB? 2. A project is completed in 20 days by Party A alone, and has been completed in 30 days by Party A alone. Now party a cooperates with Party A. on the way, Party A has rested for 3 days, and has rested for several days. From the beginning to the completion, it has been 16 days, and how many days have He rested? 3. There are two warehouses A and B, and the grain stored in warehouse a accounts for 40% of the total grain stored in the two warehouses. If 60 tons of stored grain have been transported to warehouse A, the ratio of stored grain in warehouse A and B is 2:1. How many tons of grain have been stored in warehouse A and B? Write every step,

1. Party A and Party B set out from two places AB and walked towards each other. When they met, Party A walked 12.5 kilometers more than Party B. It is known that one third of the distance traveled by Party A is equal to three fourths of the distance traveled by Party B. how many kilometers are there between two places AB? 2. A project is completed in 20 days by Party A alone, and has been completed in 30 days by Party A alone. Now party a cooperates with Party A. on the way, Party A has rested for 3 days, and has rested for several days. From the beginning to the completion, it has been 16 days, and how many days have He rested? 3. There are two warehouses A and B, and the grain stored in warehouse a accounts for 40% of the total grain stored in the two warehouses. If 60 tons of stored grain have been transported to warehouse A, the ratio of stored grain in warehouse A and B is 2:1. How many tons of grain have been stored in warehouse A and B? Write every step,

1. Let a walk x kilometers and B walk y kilometers. From the problem: X-Y = 12.51/3x = 3 / 4Y, the solution is: x = 22.5y = 10, so the distance between a and B is 10 + 22.5 = 32.5Km. 2. Let the total project amount be 1, then a can finish 1 / 20 every day, B can finish 1 / 30 every day, a has a rest for 3 days, so a is dry: 16-3 = 13 days, so a is finished