1 when y=___ 3Y ^ 2-2y = 3 2.x^2+px+q=0(p^2-4p≥0) 3.x^2-5x=(x-___ )^2-(____ )^2

1 when y=___ 3Y ^ 2-2y = 3 2.x^2+px+q=0(p^2-4p≥0) 3.x^2-5x=(x-___ )^2-(____ )^2

1.3y & # 178; - 2Y = 3, the solution is: y = 1 ± √ 102. X ^ 2-px + q = 0x ^ 2-qx + P = 0, the subtraction of the two formulas is: - Px + Q + qx-p = 0P (x + 1) = q (x + 1) because x is a positive integer, so: P = Q