A farm originally planned to sow 2000 mu of wheat in several days, but in actual sowing, the sown area per day was 30 mu more than the original plan, which not only completed the task within the specified time, but also sowed 240 mu more wheat. How many mu of wheat per day was the original plan? How many days was the original plan? Lie equation

A farm originally planned to sow 2000 mu of wheat in several days, but in actual sowing, the sown area per day was 30 mu more than the original plan, which not only completed the task within the specified time, but also sowed 240 mu more wheat. How many mu of wheat per day was the original plan? How many days was the original plan? Lie equation

The original plan is to sow x mu per day, and the original plan is to sow y days
From the meaning of the title, we can get xy = 2000
By solving the equations, x = 250