What percentage of the total area of Tibet

What percentage of the total area of Tibet

Location: it is located in the world's largest and highest Qinghai Tibet Plateau, with an average altitude of more than 4 km. It borders India, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, Myanmar and other countries across the Himalayas in the south. It is adjacent to Xinjiang, Qinghai, Sichuan, Yunnan and other provinces in the North and East
Population: the total population of Tibet is 2.81 million (at the end of 2006). The birth rate is 17.4 ‰, the death rate is 5.7 ‰, and the natural growth rate is 11.7 ‰. The population density is 2.21 people per square kilometer. The population distribution in Tibet is also very uneven. Most of the population is concentrated in the South and East. The average life expectancy has increased from 35.5 years before the peaceful liberation in 1951 to 67 years at present
Area: 1.2 million square kilometers
Administrative divisions: Tibet is divided into 1 prefecture level city, 6 regions, 1 county level city and 76 counties
Climate: the annual average temperature is about 8 degrees
Ethnic groups: Tibet is an autonomous region with Tibetans as the main body. Other ethnic groups include Han, Hui, Menba, and Luoba. The unrecognized ethnic groups are Sherpa and Luo, with a small number of more than 2000
Tourism characteristics: the unique geographical environment creates a unique snow scenery
Brief introduction to Tibet: Tibet has both the unique plateau snow scenery and the charming southern style, and the human landscape integrated with the nature also makes Tibet have a truly unique charm in the eyes of tourists. Up to now, there are many Tibetan people's living customs, which are far away from the modern people outside the Plateau, and it is also because of the distance, So that all of Tibet has ornamental value
Tibet Autonomous Region is one of the five national autonomous regions of the people's Republic of China
Tibet Autonomous Region is located in the southwest border of China and the southwest of Qinghai Tibet Plateau. It is adjacent to Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Qinghai Province in the north, Sichuan Province in the East, Yunnan Province in the southeast, Myanmar, India, Bhutan, Nepal and other countries in the South and West, forming a border line of nearly 4000 km between China and the above countries. The total land area of Tibet Autonomous Region is more than 1.22 million square kilometers, About 12.8% of the total area of the country