How to draw an image of this analytic expression with the Geometer's Sketchpad? (x²+2.25y²+z²-1)³-x²z³-0.1125y²z³=0 -3≤x,y,z≤3 I don't know how to use the Geometer's Sketchpad to express this kind of expression. It's too troublesome to change it into the form of y = so that I don't know how to draw it if there are many unknowns

How to draw an image of this analytic expression with the Geometer's Sketchpad? (x²+2.25y²+z²-1)³-x²z³-0.1125y²z³=0 -3≤x,y,z≤3 I don't know how to use the Geometer's Sketchpad to express this kind of expression. It's too troublesome to change it into the form of y = so that I don't know how to draw it if there are many unknowns

Draw a function of three variables, refer to this