A cylindrical part with a bottom radius of 1 decimeter and a height of 8 decimeters is fused into a conical part with a bottom radius of 2 decimeters. What is the height of the conical part?

A cylindrical part with a bottom radius of 1 decimeter and a height of 8 decimeters is fused into a conical part with a bottom radius of 2 decimeters. What is the height of the conical part?

Cylinder volume = 3.14 * 1 & # 178; * 8 = 25.12 cubic decimeter
Cylinder volume = cone volume
Cone volume = 1 / 3 * bottom area * height = 25.12
1 / 3 * 3.14 * 4 * H = 25.12
Height = 6 decimeters