The volume of a cylinder is 250 cubic centimeters, and its side area is 100 square centimeters Solve by arithmetic

The volume of a cylinder is 250 cubic centimeters, and its side area is 100 square centimeters Solve by arithmetic

Let the bottom radius be r and the height be h, then the side area be 3.14 * 2 * r * H = 100, then R * H = 100 / (3.14 * 2) volume be 3.14 * r * r * H = 250, that is, 3.14 * r * 100 / (3.14 * 2) = 250, R * 50 = 250. Therefore, the direct arithmetic of R = 250 / 50 = 5 is 250 ^ [3.14 × 100 ^ (3.14 × 2)] = 250 ^ 50 = 5