Maverick, a volunteer of the Asian Games, is a warm-hearted student. On this day, he takes the list of competitors of a certain competition and is going to take the Asian Games bus from venue a to venue B to check the competitors, The average speed of the Asian Games bus is 40 km / h. on the way, Mavericks see many foreign tourists want to watch the Asian Games, but they can't find the venue because of their poor voice. At this time, Mavericks are in a dilemma. They want to help foreign tourists, but they are afraid that they can't catch up with venue B within the specified time. Please help Mavericks figure out how long they can help foreign tourists at most?

Maverick, a volunteer of the Asian Games, is a warm-hearted student. On this day, he takes the list of competitors of a certain competition and is going to take the Asian Games bus from venue a to venue B to check the competitors, The average speed of the Asian Games bus is 40 km / h. on the way, Mavericks see many foreign tourists want to watch the Asian Games, but they can't find the venue because of their poor voice. At this time, Mavericks are in a dilemma. They want to help foreign tourists, but they are afraid that they can't catch up with venue B within the specified time. Please help Mavericks figure out how long they can help foreign tourists at most?

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