The sum of large and small numbers is 35.75. If the decimal point of the smaller number moves one place to the right, it is equal to the larger number

The sum of large and small numbers is 35.75. If the decimal point of the smaller number moves one place to the right, it is equal to the larger number

The decimal is 3.25, and the large number is 32.5. Because the sum of the large and small numbers is 35.75, one place to the right of the decimal point of the smaller number is equal to the larger number, so the number of places of sum is equal to the number of places of the larger number plus the number of places of the larger number, and the number of places of the larger number is equal to ten places of the larger number, so the number of places of the larger number is 5-3 = 2, that is, the tenth place of the smaller number