After a decimal point is expanded to 100 times of its value, the decimal point is moved to the left by two places, and then the number is expanded to 1000 times of its value. Finally, after the decimal point is moved to the left by one place, the decimal point becomes 18.72. What is the original number?

After a decimal point is expanded to 100 times of its value, the decimal point is moved to the left by two places, and then the number is expanded to 1000 times of its value. Finally, after the decimal point is moved to the left by one place, the decimal point becomes 18.72. What is the original number?

Backward method
eighteen point seven two
Move the decimal point in the opposite direction
one hundred and eighty-seven point two
zero point one eight seven two
eighteen point seven two
zero point one eight seven two
Hope to help you!