The number of the four groups in a class is as follows: 18, 18, x, 16. The median of this group of data is known to be the same as the average, so the median of this group of data can be calculated

The number of the four groups in a class is as follows: 18, 18, x, 16. The median of this group of data is known to be the same as the average, so the median of this group of data can be calculated

The median, like the average, is also a statistic reflecting the trend of a group of data sets. The average mainly reflects the general level of a group of data, while the median better reflects the medium level of a group of data. It is different from the average in the following aspects: first, the average is only a "virtual" number, while the median is not entirely a "virtual" number. When a group of data has an odd number, the median is a "virtual" number, It is the data in the middle after the data is arranged in order, which is a real data in this group; second, the size of the average is related to each data in a group of data, and the change of any data will cause the change of the size of the average, while the median is only related to the arrangement position of a group of data, and the change of some data has no effect on the median, Therefore, when the individual data of a group of data is too large or too small, it is more appropriate to use the median to describe the centralized trend of the group of data. When it is even, the median is the average of the middle two numbers
I don't want to talk about the method, just use the equation