It is known that the opening direction and size of the parabola Y1 = a (X-H) &# 178; + K and y2 = (X-2) &# 178; - 7 are the same, and the lowest point is the same It is known that the opening direction and size of the parabola Y1 = a (X-H) & # 178; + K and y2 = (X-2) & # 178; - 7 are the same, and the coordinates of the lowest point are (- 1, - 2). Find the functional relationship of the parabola Y1, and point out whether the parabola Y1 can be obtained by Y2 translation, and if so, how to translate it

It is known that the opening direction and size of the parabola Y1 = a (X-H) &# 178; + K and y2 = (X-2) &# 178; - 7 are the same, and the lowest point is the same It is known that the opening direction and size of the parabola Y1 = a (X-H) & # 178; + K and y2 = (X-2) & # 178; - 7 are the same, and the coordinates of the lowest point are (- 1, - 2). Find the functional relationship of the parabola Y1, and point out whether the parabola Y1 can be obtained by Y2 translation, and if so, how to translate it

Y2 = (X-2) & # - 7 vertex (2, - 7)
A = 1, H = - 1, k = - 2
Parabola Y1 = (x + 1) & # - 2
The parabola Y1 can be obtained by Y2 translation. Y2 can be translated three units to the left and then five units to the up