Do you want to write units in scientific notation? For example: a day has 8.64x10 quartic seconds, a year has 365 days, how many seconds in a year? The results are expressed by scientific notation Do you want to write the unit for the 7th power of 3.1536 times 10? Hurry, hurry, 10:40!

Do you want to write units in scientific notation? For example: a day has 8.64x10 quartic seconds, a year has 365 days, how many seconds in a year? The results are expressed by scientific notation Do you want to write the unit for the 7th power of 3.1536 times 10? Hurry, hurry, 10:40!

Of course, we need to write it, because scientific notation is only a way of counting, it still records that number, and ordinary
The way of writing is only different in form, and there is no essential change. Of course, it is impossible to include units, so it is simple
I still have to write