There is an 8-meter-long tree in the zoo. Two monkeys have a tree climbing competition. When one of the bigger monkeys climbs to 2 meters, the other monkey climbs to 1.2 meters. At this speed, he climbs to the top of the tree and immediately comes down. The speed is the same as that of climbing the tree. How many meters from the ground do the two monkeys meet?

There is an 8-meter-long tree in the zoo. Two monkeys have a tree climbing competition. When one of the bigger monkeys climbs to 2 meters, the other monkey climbs to 1.2 meters. At this speed, he climbs to the top of the tree and immediately comes down. The speed is the same as that of climbing the tree. How many meters from the ground do the two monkeys meet?

2: 1.2 = 5:38 × 35 = 4.8 (m) 4.8 + (8-4.8) × 33 + 5 = 6 (m) a: two monkeys meet 6 meters above the ground