The partial order relation on the set a = {2,3,6,12,24,36} is an integral division relation, which is to draw a Haas diagram. How to find Cova? Explain the specific lecture in detail

The partial order relation on the set a = {2,3,6,12,24,36} is an integral division relation, which is to draw a Haas diagram. How to find Cova? Explain the specific lecture in detail

First of all, let's make clear the definition of Cova: Cova = {a, B & gt; | A & nbsp;, B & nbsp; ∈ a, & nbsp; a & nbsp; ≤ B, a ≠ B & nbsp;, and no other element Z satisfies a & nbsp; ≤ & nbsp; Z & nbsp;, Z & nbsp; ≤ B & nbsp;, where a is a partially ordered set}; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp