C language programming input a three digit positive integer to judge whether it is "narcissus number". The so-called Narcissus is a three digit number whose sub cube sum is equal to itself

C language programming input a three digit positive integer to judge whether it is "narcissus number". The so-called Narcissus is a three digit number whose sub cube sum is equal to itself

//It is suggested that 153 370 371 407 is the number of Narcissus
void main()
int i,j,k,n;
Printf ("please enter a three digit Integer ';
I = n / 100; / * decomposes into hundreds*/
J = n / 10% 10; / * decomposes into ten digits*/
K = n% 10; / * decomposed into bits*/
Printf ("% - 5D is the number of daffodils", n);
Printf ("% - 5D is not narcissus number", n);