The square of real number is the inverse proposition of non negative number, no proposition, you no proposition, and judge whether it is true or false

The square of real number is the inverse proposition of non negative number, no proposition, you no proposition, and judge whether it is true or false

First, this nonstandard proposition should be translated into "if So... " Form of standard proposition, and then judge, otherwise it is easy to make mistakes
If a number is real, then the square of the number is nonnegative
Inverse proposition: "if the square of a number is nonnegative, then the number is real", that is, "the number whose square is nonnegative is real"
No proposition: "if a number is not a real number, then the square of the number is not a non negative number", that is, "the square of a non real number is not a non negative number", which is a true proposition
Inverse negative proposition: "if the square of a number is not a non negative number, then the number is not a real number", that is, "the number whose square is not a non negative number is not a real number"
In addition, the original proposition and the converse proposition of the original proposition must have the same truth and falseness, and the converse proposition of the original proposition and the converse proposition of the original proposition must also have the same truth and falseness (this is because the converse proposition of the original proposition and the converse proposition of the original proposition are converse propositions), It is easy to judge the truth of some difficult propositions by using the fact that the inverse proposition has the same truth or false. However, the original proposition has no relationship with the truth or false of the inverse proposition of the original proposition, that is, it may be the same or different. There is no relationship between the truth or false of the original proposition and the inverse proposition of the original proposition, that is, it may be the same or different
Please also note that "no proposition" and "non proposition" are not the same thing, which is easy to be confused