It is known that the perimeter of the triangle is (4a + 5b) cm, the first side is (2a-b) cm, and the second side is (a-b) cm longer than the first side. The side length of the triangle is calculated

It is known that the perimeter of the triangle is (4a + 5b) cm, the first side is (2a-b) cm, and the second side is (a-b) cm longer than the first side. The side length of the triangle is calculated

It is known that the perimeter of triangle is (4a + 5b) cm,
The length of the first side is (2a-b) cm
The second side = (2a-b) + (a-b) = (3a-2b) cm,
Third side = perimeter - first side - second side
=(-a+8b) cm,