Characteristics of numbers divisible by 4,7,8,9,11,13,25125

Characteristics of numbers divisible by 4,7,8,9,11,13,25125

(4) If the last two digits of an integer can be divided by 4, then the number can be divided by 4
(7) If the number of one digit of an integer is truncated, and then 2 times of the number of one digit is subtracted from the remaining number, if the difference is a multiple of 7, then the original number can be divided by 7
(8) If the last three digits of an integer can be divided by 8, then the number can be divided by 8
(9) If the number sum of an integer can be divided by 9, then the integer can be divided by 9
(11) If the difference between the sum of odd and even digits of an integer can be divided by 11, then the number can be divided by 11
(13) If the number of one digit of an integer is truncated and four times of the number of one digit is added to the remaining number, if the difference is a multiple of 13, then the original number can be divided by 13
(25) the number whose last two digits are divisible by 25
(125) the number whose last three digits are divisible by 125