If the general term of the sequence {a n} is an = 8N / (2n-1) ^ 2 (2n + 1) ^ 2, can you guess the sum of the first n terms and Sn?

If the general term of the sequence {a n} is an = 8N / (2n-1) ^ 2 (2n + 1) ^ 2, can you guess the sum of the first n terms and Sn?

Sn=a1+a2+a3+…… a(n-1)+an
=(1/1²-1/3²)+(1/3²-1/5²)+(1/5²-1/7²)+…… +[1/(2n-3)²-1/(2n-1)²]+[1/(2n-1)²-1/(2n+1)²]
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