In the known sequence {an}, an = nn2 + 156, then the largest term of the sequence {an} is the second______ Item

In the known sequence {an}, an = nn2 + 156, then the largest term of the sequence {an} is the second______ Item

∵ an = nn2 + 156 = 1n + 156n ≤ 1439 ∵ 1n + 156n ≤ 1439 if and only if n = 239 is equal, and N ∈ n +, so the maximum term of sequence {an} may be the 12th or 13th term, and ∵ when n = 12, A12 = 12122 + 156 = 125 and ∵ when n = 13, A13 = 13132 + 156 = 125, so the 12th or 13th term is the maximum