In a complete circuit, if a section of wire has no resistance, that is, no voltage, then from the micro point of view, in the circuit, the electrons moving along the direction of the electric field form a current, and the voltage of that section of wire depends on the work done by the electrostatic force. With the change of electric potential energy, as long as the electrons move in a directional direction, there must be voltage. Isn't that contradictory?

In a complete circuit, if a section of wire has no resistance, that is, no voltage, then from the micro point of view, in the circuit, the electrons moving along the direction of the electric field form a current, and the voltage of that section of wire depends on the work done by the electrostatic force. With the change of electric potential energy, as long as the electrons move in a directional direction, there must be voltage. Isn't that contradictory?

The directional movement of electrons does not necessarily have voltage. The conductor is an equipotential body, that is to say, the potential on the conductor is equal everywhere
The electron flows through this section of conductor, but there is no resistance in this section of conductor, that is to say, the electron does not do work here. When the electron moves through this distance, the energy does not change, so there is no change in electric potential energy, and there is no voltage in this section
When the current flows through the resistance, the current does work I ^ R, so after the electron flows through the resistance, the electric potential energy will drop I ^ R, that is to say, the voltage at the other end of the resistance is lower than that at this end, u = IR
Superconducting coil can maintain a ring current always the same size, but the current flow through the place, the voltage is the same everywhere