How to get the value of E in natural logarithm? Please answer in plain language

How to get the value of E in natural logarithm? Please answer in plain language

E is the base of natural logarithm, which is an infinite non cyclic decimal. E is widely used in science and technology. Generally, logarithm with base 10 is not used. After learning advanced mathematics, you will know that many results are closely related to it. Many formulas with base e are the simplest, which is the most "natural", so it is called "natural logarithm", Therefore, it is generally used in the calculation of logarithm operation. It is a mathematical symbol and has no specific significance
The value is 2.71828 , is defined as:
The limit of (1 + 1 / N) ^ n when n - > ∞
Note: x ^ y is the power of X to y
You see, with the increase of N, the base is closer to 1, and the index tends to infinity. Does the result tend to 1 or infinity? In fact, it tends to 2.718281828 This infinitely acyclic decimal