The sum of a and B is 169.68. If the decimal point of B moves two places to the right, it is equal to A. what is the number of a and B? I hope those who know will answer quickly and write down the meaning [that is, how to do]. There are also answers

The sum of a and B is 169.68. If the decimal point of B moves two places to the right, it is equal to A. what is the number of a and B? I hope those who know will answer quickly and write down the meaning [that is, how to do]. There are also answers

The sum of a and B is 169.68, and if the decimal point of B moves two places to the right, it is equal to a
It shows that the number of a is 100 times of that of B
Number B: 169.68 ÷ (100 + 1) = 1.68
Number A: 1.68 × 10 = 168
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