A hollow copper ball with a volume of 30 cubic centimeters and a mass of 178 grams. If the hollow part of the ball is filled with aluminum, what is the mass of the ball? The density of aluminum is equal to 2.7 times 10 cubic kilogram per cubic meter, and the density of copper is equal to 8.9 times 10 cubic kilogram per cubic meter

A hollow copper ball with a volume of 30 cubic centimeters and a mass of 178 grams. If the hollow part of the ball is filled with aluminum, what is the mass of the ball? The density of aluminum is equal to 2.7 times 10 cubic kilogram per cubic meter, and the density of copper is equal to 8.9 times 10 cubic kilogram per cubic meter

1. The density of copper 8.9 times the cubic kilogram of 10 per cubic meter equals 8.9 grams per cubic centimeter; the density of aluminum 2.7 times the cubic kilogram of 10 per cubic meter equals 2.7 grams per cubic centimeter
2. Volume of copper ball: 178 g divided by 8.9 g / cm3 = 20 cm3
3. Mass of aluminum: (30-20) cm3 * 2.7g / cm3 = 27g
4. The mass of the ball: 27g + 178g = 205g