How to calculate the pump power, head, pipe diameter and flow of water supply equipment? Is there a formula?

How to calculate the pump power, head, pipe diameter and flow of water supply equipment? Is there a formula?

There must be a formula for this,
The flow is calculated according to the water consumption point of each user and the water equivalent,
The head can be obtained according to the height of the least utilized water point plus local loss, extended head loss and surplus head
According to the flow head, according to the pump you want to choose, you can choose the right model, you can know the pump power
According to the economic flow rate, the pipe diameter can be calculated as follows:
Pipe diameter: DN = [4q / (V × 3.14 × 3600)] 0.5 × 1000,
Where: Q: pump flow m3 / h,
5: Water velocity M / s,
DN: pipe nominal diameter mm
How do you know the flow rate of water?
The flow rate of water is generally calculated according to the economic flow rate
Pipe diameter (mm): x09dn < 250, x09250 ≤ DN ≤ 1000, x091000 ≤ DN ≤ 1600, x09dn ≥ 1600
Inlet pipe flow rate (M / s)
Outlet pipe flow rate (M / s)
If the flow rate is 30 t / h, how big is the pipe diameter? Please calculate it in detail according to the above formula
According to experience, if the flow rate is 30t / h, the pipe diameter is DN < 250, so the flow rate of inlet pipe (M / s) is x091.1.2
Outlet pipe velocity (M / s) x091.2.0
The influent flow rate is 1.2m/s and the effluent flow rate is 2.0m/s
Calculation of inlet pipe diameter: DN = [4q / (V × 3.14 × 3600)] 0.5 × 1000 = 94mm, and the minimum is DN 100
The minimum outlet pipe diameter is DN80