There is a bottle with a mass of 20g, and the total mass is 120g after it is filled with water. Now put the metal block with a mass of 50g into it, and the total mass of water is 160g. The density of metal block is high

There is a bottle with a mass of 20g, and the total mass is 120g after it is filled with water. Now put the metal block with a mass of 50g into it, and the total mass of water is 160g. The density of metal block is high

The bottle can hold 120-20 = 100g water. After putting the metal into the bottle, the mass of water is 160-20-50 = 90g
So, for the same volume, the mass of metal is 50 times that of water divided by 10 = 5 times
So, it's five times denser than water
that is
5g per cubic centimeter