The mass of a bottle filled with water is 0.90kg, and the mass of a bottle filled with 0.9x10 cubic kg / m3 liquid is 0.85kg

The mass of a bottle filled with water is 0.90kg, and the mass of a bottle filled with 0.9x10 cubic kg / m3 liquid is 0.85kg

0.9 kg = 900 g 0.85 kg = 850 g 0.9 * 10 third power kg / m3 = 0.9 g / cm3
V water = V liquid = V bottle m water = 900-m bottle m liquid = 850-m bottle
∵ density = m / V
Ψ m water / density water = m liquid / density liquid = 900-m bottle / 1 = 850-m bottle / 0.9
900-m bottles = 9 / 8500-9 / 10m bottles
8500 / 900-9 = (9 / 9-10 / 9) m bottle
-400 / 9 = - 1 / 9 bottle
M bottle = 400 (g)