A thin-walled cylindrical container with a mass of 2kg and a bottom area of 400cm2 is placed on a horizontal table. A certain liquid with a depth of 25cm is injected into the container. At this time, the pressure of the liquid on the bottom of the container is 1960 PA? The above process and formula are needed, and G is 9.8 n,

A thin-walled cylindrical container with a mass of 2kg and a bottom area of 400cm2 is placed on a horizontal table. A certain liquid with a depth of 25cm is injected into the container. At this time, the pressure of the liquid on the bottom of the container is 1960 PA? The above process and formula are needed, and G is 9.8 n,

Density p = m / v = (F / g) / v = 8 / (400 * 25 * 10 ^ - 6) = 800kg / m ^ 3
The liquid gravity is f = 78.4n