Conversion of pressure unit How to convert MPa PA kPa bar mbar? That is how much MPa = how much PA = how much kPa = = how much bar. Please answer in detail What is the difference between the two units?

Conversion of pressure unit How to convert MPa PA kPa bar mbar? That is how much MPa = how much PA = how much kPa = = how much bar. Please answer in detail What is the difference between the two units?

MPA: refers to million PA, where m is the initials of English million, that is 1000000pa
PA: refers to the PA. refers to the pressure of one newton on an area of one square meter is 1pA
KPa: refers to kilopascal, where k is the first letter of the English kilo, namely 1000Pa;
Conversion of PA and bar
1 bar = 10^5 Pa
Then you should forget it
1Mpa = 1000Kpa = 1000000pa = 10bar
1Mbar=1000000bar = 10^11pa
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