1. The price of diesel oil is 6.35 yuan / L and the density is 0.826 yuan. How much is it equal to one ton? Please write down the conversion formula to me in detail, If it's gasoline, the density is 0.735 and the price is 6.8 yuan / L

1. The price of diesel oil is 6.35 yuan / L and the density is 0.826 yuan. How much is it equal to one ton? Please write down the conversion formula to me in detail, If it's gasoline, the density is 0.735 and the price is 6.8 yuan / L

Price = quality / density x unit price
7687.651 yuan = 1000kg / 0.826kg/l x6.35 yuan / L
9251.7007 yuan = 1000kg / 0.735kg/l x 6.8 yuan / L