Molar ratio and mass ratio The molar ratio of nitric acid to cyclohexanol is 1.28 to 1, the molecular weight is 63 and 100, so the mass ratio is 80 to 100 Is this 80:100 in the same ml case? 400ml nitric acid is 600g, 400ml cyclohexanol is 400g, which seems different from 80:100. For example, in the experiment, 400ml nitric acid, 800ml cyclohexanol is 1.28:1, 400ml nitric acid is 600g, 800ml cyclohexanol is 800g, and the mass ratio is 80:100 That is, when the nitric acid is 600g, the cyclohexanol is 750g. Should the 750g be 40ml or 80ml?

Molar ratio and mass ratio The molar ratio of nitric acid to cyclohexanol is 1.28 to 1, the molecular weight is 63 and 100, so the mass ratio is 80 to 100 Is this 80:100 in the same ml case? 400ml nitric acid is 600g, 400ml cyclohexanol is 400g, which seems different from 80:100. For example, in the experiment, 400ml nitric acid, 800ml cyclohexanol is 1.28:1, 400ml nitric acid is 600g, 800ml cyclohexanol is 800g, and the mass ratio is 80:100 That is, when the nitric acid is 600g, the cyclohexanol is 750g. Should the 750g be 40ml or 80ml?

The molar ratio of nitric acid (HNO3) to cyclohexanol is 1.28:1, then its mass ratio is 80:100