What is the drainage slope ratio of municipal roads? What are the longitudinal and transverse slopes? How to calculate?

What is the drainage slope ratio of municipal roads? What are the longitudinal and transverse slopes? How to calculate?

The longitudinal and transverse slopes are generally determined according to the actual situation, with different sizes. Mountain roads and urban roads are different. The elevation of the middle line of ordinary urban roads is generally designed as a flat slope (the side ditch is set at the roadside, and the slope is generally not less than three thousandths); if the longitudinal slope is designed according to the elevation of the middle line, it is not necessary to set the zigzag ditch, and the longitudinal slope is not less than three thousandths, Large longitudinal slope is to consider the climbing capacity, speed, road grade, etc. cross slope according to the local rainfall, road width is generally 1.5% - 2%