A cylindrical container with a volume of 3 cubic decimeters is placed on a horizontal table. The container contains 1 kg of water. Now, a container with a density of 0.6 g per cubic meter A cylindrical container with a volume of 3 cubic decimeters is placed on a horizontal table. The container contains 1 kg of water. Now put a wood block with a density of 0.6 g / cm3 into the container. The wood block does not touch the wall of the container. The water is just full but does not overflow. What is the mass of the wood block?

A cylindrical container with a volume of 3 cubic decimeters is placed on a horizontal table. The container contains 1 kg of water. Now, a container with a density of 0.6 g per cubic meter A cylindrical container with a volume of 3 cubic decimeters is placed on a horizontal table. The container contains 1 kg of water. Now put a wood block with a density of 0.6 g / cm3 into the container. The wood block does not touch the wall of the container. The water is just full but does not overflow. What is the mass of the wood block?

When the wood block is put into the container, the water is full but does not overflow, which indicates that the wood block occupies the space of the container (3-1) = 2 cubic decimeters, which is equivalent to squeezing out 2 cubic decimeters of water. The buoyancy of the wood block should be 2 × 1 = 2 kg. Since the buoyancy is equal to the gravity of the wood block, the mass of the wood block is 2 kg,