The volume of a piece of metal is 1.5 × 10 negative cubic meters; when it is completely immersed in alcohol, what is the buoyancy

The volume of a piece of metal is 1.5 × 10 negative cubic meters; when it is completely immersed in alcohol, what is the buoyancy

Displacement = the volume of alcohol squeezed out is the volume of the immersed metal block,
1.5 × 10 negative cubic meter = 1 liter,
One liter of alcohol weighs 0.8 kg
Buoyancy = 0.8kg * 9.8n/kg = 7.84n

A metal block with a volume of 0.01m3 and a weight of 250N is immersed in water (g = 10N / kg). Find: (1) the buoyancy of the metal block. (2) if the metal block is immersed in water, the buoyancy of the metal block can be calculated
A metal block with volume of 0.01m3 and weight of 250N is immersed in water (g = 10N / kg)
(1) The buoyancy of a metal block
(2) If it is made into a hollow metal ball with a volume of 0.03m3 and then put into water, how much buoyancy does it receive when it is still?