How to do square root division It's a polynomial divided by a polynomial

How to do square root division It's a polynomial divided by a polynomial

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How to do short division

Short division is a method of finding the greatest common divisor, and it can also be used to find the least common multiple. The method of finding the greatest common divisor of several numbers starts with the method of observation and comparison, that is, first find out the divisor of each number, then find out the common divisor, and finally find out the greatest common divisor in the common divisor

What do you mean by division of fractions? Please give me a simple example. Thank you

I understand it as division of decimals. The meaning of fraction is to divide a whole into several parts, and the number of parts is expressed as fraction. If a West claw is divided into 10 parts, then each part is expressed as 1 / 10. (that is, one of 10 parts). Division is to divide a number into several other numbers. For example, 10 △ 2 means several 2 in 10, and the answer is 5, which means five 2 in 10, The meaning of fractional division is that there are several other fractions in a fraction. For example, 1 / 2 / 1 / 5 means there are several 1 / 5 in 1 / 2. The answer is how many are integer, and how many are decimal