123 cubic decimeter = how many cubic meters

123 cubic decimeter = how many cubic meters

123 cubic decimeter
=0.123 M3

How to write the simple operation of 123 * 46 + 123 + 123 * 55-123 * 2


The 90th power of 2?

2 ^ 90 = 1.2379400392854 * 10

It is known that the area of a square is 9x2 + 12xy + 4y2 (x > 0, y > 0). Write the algebraic formula of the side length of the square______ .


It is known that the area of a square is 9x & # 178; + 6xy = y & # 178; (x, Y > 0,), and the algebraic expression of the side length of the square is written by using the decomposition factor

There is something wrong with the title
It should be: given that the area of a square is 9x & # 178; + 6xy + Y & # 178; (x > 0, y > 0), use the factorization factor to write the algebraic formula of the side length of the square
So the side length of the square is 3x + y
So the answer is: 3x + y

It is known that the area of a square is 9x & # 178; + 6xy + Y & # 178;, and the algebraic formula of the side length of the square is written by using the decomposition factor
Thank you for your complete and detailed answers

So the algebraic expression of side length is | 3x + y|
PS: it's better to take the absolute value, otherwise 3x + y may be negative

Given that the area of a square is X & # 178; - 2A + A & # 178; (x is greater than 0, a is less than 0), find the algebraic expression of the side length of the square

The algebraic expression for the side length of the square is x-a

Given the area of a square x ^ 2 + 12xy + 36Y ^ 2 (where x > 0, y > 0), the algebraic formula of the side length of the square is
Xiaoming is going to spend 50 yuan to buy a total of 10 bottles of a and B drinks. Given that a bottle costs 7 yuan and B bottle costs 4 yuan, Xiaoming can buy at most a few bottles of a drinks
If 1 / A + 1 / b = 1 / 2, the value of AB / A + B is

So the side length of a square is x + 6y
Buy x bottles of a drink
Then 7x + 4 (10-x) ≤ 50
So buy up to three bottles of a drink
So AB / (a + b) = 2
If you still have doubts, please ask

When Xinxin calculates the division with remainder, she writes the divisor 925 as 835. In this way, the quotient is less than 6, and the remainder is exactly the same?

(925-835) △ 6 = 15 (this is the divisor), 925 △ 15 = 61 10. A: the divisor is 61 and the remainder is 10

When Xinxin calculates the division with remainder, she writes the divisor 925 as 835. In this way, the quotient is less than 6, and the remainder is exactly the same?

(925-835) △ 6 = 15 (this is the divisor), 925 △ 15 = 61 10. A: the divisor is 61 and the remainder is 10