The approximate value of PI is between 3.1415926 and 301415927. If five significant digits are reserved, what is the approximate value and how many digits are accurate

The approximate value of PI is between 3.1415926 and 301415927. If five significant digits are reserved, what is the approximate value and how many digits are accurate


Pi = 3.141592653... If you take the approximate value of 3.142, where is it accurate? How many significant numbers are there? If you take the approximate value of 3.1416?

3.142 to the thousandth, there are four significant numbers: 3, 1, 4, 2
3.1416 accurate to ten thousand, there are five significant digits: 3,1,4,1,6

Pi = 3.141 592 653... If we take the approximate number of 3.142, which digit is it accurate to? How many significant digits are there? For example

It's accurate to the thousandth and has four significant digits