Draw a triangle with the largest area in a rectangle. The area ratio of the triangle to the rectangle is ()

Draw a triangle with the largest area in a rectangle. The area ratio of the triangle to the rectangle is ()


Draw the largest triangle in a rectangle of 3.6 square meters. What is the area of the triangle
What is the base of a parallelogram equal to the area of a trapezoid and of the same base and height equal to that of a trapezoid
Cut off the largest triangle from a trapezoid with 12dm upper bottom, 10dm lower bottom and 8dm height. What is the remaining area

Question 1: draw the largest triangle in a rectangle. The area of the triangle is half of the area of the rectangle. It is 3.6 divided by 2 to get 1.8m. Question 2: the bottom of the parallelogram is equal to half of the sum of the upper and lower bottom of the original trapezoid

Draw the largest triangle in a rectangle. The area of the triangle () is rectangle. A. larger than B. less than C. equal to D. cannot be determined
8.08 times 1.25 (simple calculation)
3.45 times 4.2 + 6.55 times 4.2 (simple calculation)
A basketball 80.8 yuan, a small ball 2.4 yuan, the school bought a basketball with 100 yuan, how many small balls can sell?
My uncle's age this year is just 4.5 times that of Li Lin. it is known that my uncle is 28 years older than Li Lin. how old is Li Lin this year
A construction site needs to transport 42.5 tons of sand five times with a 4.5-ton truck and the rest with a 2.5-ton truck. How many more times?
The distance between station a and station B is 572 kilometers. A freight train runs 68 kilometers per hour from station a to station B. one hour after the freight train leaves, a passenger train starts from station B to station a and runs 72 kilometers per hour. In a few hours, the two cars will meet?

1. Less than 2, 8.08 * 1.25 = 8 * 1.25 + 0.08 * 1.25 = 10 + 0.1 = 10.13, 3.45 * 4.2 + 6.55 * 4.2 = (3.45 + 6.55) * 4.2 = 424, (100-80.8) / 2.4 = 19.2 / 2.4 = 85, 28 / (4.5-1) = 28 / 3.5 = 86, (42.5-4.5 * 5) / 2.5 = 87, (572-68) / (68 + 72) = 504 / 140 = 3

Draw the largest triangle in a rectangle. The area of the triangle is half the area of the rectangle______ (judge right or wrong)

Draw the largest triangle in a rectangle, the bottom of the largest triangle = the length of the rectangle, the height of the largest triangle = the width of the rectangle, the area of the rectangle = length × width, the area of the largest triangle = bottom × height △ 2 = length × width = the area of the rectangle △ 2; so the area of the triangle is half of the area of the rectangle

Draw the largest triangle in the rectangle. The area of the triangle is equal to half of the area of the rectangle. Why

Because the rectangular area formula s = a * B (assuming that the long side is B and the short side is a)
And you draw a triangle inside, s = 1 / 2B * a

Draw the largest triangle in a rectangle. What is the relationship between the area of the triangle and that of the rectangle

The area of the triangle is half that of the rectangle

Known acute triangle on both sides are 10, area is 32, seek the other side!

Let a = 10, B = 8, s △ ABC = 32
From the cosine theorem:
Length of the other side: C = √ (a ^ 2 + B ^ 2-2abcosc) = √ (10 ^ 2 + 8 ^ 2-2 * 10 * 8 * 3 / 5) = 2 √ 17

How to find the third side of a general acute triangle when two sides and three angles are known

It is better to use cosine theorem when a / Sina = B / SINB = C / sinc or a 2 = B 2 + C 2-2bccosa A is a special angle

The comparison of the size relationship between the known height and the edge in an acute triangle,
In acute angle △ ABC, AB > AC, EB ⊥ AC in E, CF ⊥ AB in F
Verification: ab + CF > AC + be

According to the triangle area, AB * CF = AC * be
That is AB / be = AC / CF
Be > CF is obtained from ab * CF = AC * be, AB > AC
So ab-be > ac-cf
That is ab + CF > AC + be

As shown in the figure, find the area of the isosceles triangle ABC
Two waist 5cm, the upper corner is C, the lower from left to right a, B, the bottom is 6cm, using Pythagorean theorem

Because the bottom is 6cm
So half of the bottom is 3cm
So the height is √ 5 ^ 2-3 ^ 2 = 4cm
So the isosceles triangle ABC = 1 / 2 × 6 × 4 = 12cm ^ 2