An isosceles right triangle, known hypotenuse is 9 cm. Seek side length. What is the formula?

An isosceles right triangle, known hypotenuse is 9 cm. Seek side length. What is the formula?

According to the Pythagorean theorem, in a right triangle, if the sum of squares of two right angles equals the square of the hypotenuse, that is: A & # 178; + B & # 178; = C & # 178;, let the length of two right angles be x, then 2x & # 178; = 9 & # 178;, and then connect them

If an internal angle of an isosceles triangle is 80 degrees, then the angle between the height of a waist and the bottom is 80 degrees______ .

① As shown in Fig. 1, when the bottom angle is 80 °, ∫∠ BDC = 90 °, ∫ C = 80 ° and ∫ DBC = 90 ° - 80 ° = 10 °; as shown in Fig. 2, when the top angle is 80 °, ∫ a = 80 ° and ∫ C = ABC = 180 °− 80 ° 2 = 50 ° in the right angle △ DBC, ∫ BDC = 90 ° and ∫ DBC = 90 ° - 50 ° = 40 °. So the answer is: 10 ° or 40 °

If the angle between the height of one waist and the other side of an isosceles triangle is 80 degrees, the degree of the vertex angle is 80 degrees______ .

∵ AB = AC, ∵ ABC = ∵ ACB, ∵ BD ⊥ AC, ∵ BDA = ∵ BDC = 90 ° can be divided into two cases: when ∵ abd = 80 °, a = 90 ° - 80 ° = 10 °; when ∵ DBC = 80 °, C = 90 ° - 80 ° = 10 °≠ ABC

If an internal angle of an isosceles triangle is 80 degrees, then the angle between the height of a waist and the bottom is 80 degrees______ .

① As shown in Fig. 1, when the bottom angle is 80 °, ∫∠ BDC = 90 °, ∫ C = 80 ° and ∫ DBC = 90 ° - 80 ° = 10 °; as shown in Fig. 2, when the top angle is 80 °, ∫ a = 80 ° and ∫ C = ABC = 180 °− 80 ° 2 = 50 ° in the right angle △ DBC, ∫ BDC = 90 ° and ∫ DBC = 90 ° - 50 ° = 40 °. So the answer is: 10 ° or 40 °

If the angle between the height of one waist and the other side of an isosceles triangle is 80 degrees, the degree of the vertex angle is 80 degrees______ .

∵ AB = AC, ∵ ABC = ∵ ACB, ∵ BD ⊥ AC, ∵ BDA = ∵ BDC = 90 ° can be divided into two cases: ① when ∵ abd = 80 °, then ∵ a = 90 ° - 80 ° = 10 °; when ∵ DBC = 80 °, then ∵ C = 90 ° - 80 ° = 10 °≠ ABC, which is not in line with the meaning of the title, and is omitted; ② when ∵ DBA = 80 °, then ∵ DAB = 90 ° - 80 ° = 10 °, then ∵ BAC = 180 ° - 10 ° = 170 °; when ∵ DBC = 80 °, then ? ABC ≠ C can also be calculated, The answer is: 10 ° or 170 °

If the angle between the height of one waist and the other waist of an isosceles triangle is 40 degrees, then its vertex angle is______
I wrote two answers to this question in today's mid-term exam, one is 50 ° and the other is 130 ° but my classmates said there is another answer,
They say it's like 80 degrees

You are right, your classmate said 80 degrees only when the angle between the bottom and the top is 40 degrees

If the angle between the height of one waist and the bottom of an isosceles triangle is 40 degrees, the vertex angle is ()


If the angle between the height of the waist and a waist of an isosceles triangle is 30 degrees, the degree of the vertex angle is 0
Process.. I wrote 60 degrees. The teacher said there was another situation..

60 degrees or 120 degrees
One is that the height is within the triangle, that is, the triangle is an acute triangle
Vertex angle = 180 degrees - 90 degrees - 30 degrees = 60 degrees
The other is that the height of the triangle falls on a waist extension line, that is, the triangle is an obtuse triangle
Complement angle of vertex angle = 180-90-30 = 60
Vertex angle = 180 - 60 = 120

If the base of an isosceles triangle is 12cm long and the waist is 10cm long, what is the upper height?
The answer is not important. I can't understand the meaning of this question. How should I get high? What is the use area? I hope it can give me a process that I can understand,

The bottom half, waist and height form a right triangle
Square of height = 10 ^ 2 - (12 / 2) ^ 2 = 64
H = 8 cm

The length of the bottom edge is 10 cm, and the waist length of the isosceles triangle on the bottom edge is 12 cm______ .

As shown in the figure, BC = 10cm, ad = 12cm, ad ⊥ BC, ab = AC, in △ ABC, ∵ AB = AC, ad ⊥ BC; ∵ BD = DC = 12bc = 6cm; in RT △ abd, ∵ ad = 12cm, BD = 5cm; ∵ AB = ad2 + BD2 = 122 + 52 = 13cm