How many days does it take to reach 5500km from Mohe in the north to Zengmu in the south? In the clouds of the White Emperor, the river mausoleum is still thousands of miles away. The ape on both sides of the river can't stop singing, and the boat has passed the mountains. Taking the light boat as a reference, the overlapping peaks on both sides are still. If you want to move as fast as the boat described by the poet, how many days will it take for you to start from Mohe in the north of China to reach Zengmu dark sand in the south, with a total length of 5500km?

How many days does it take to reach 5500km from Mohe in the north to Zengmu in the south? In the clouds of the White Emperor, the river mausoleum is still thousands of miles away. The ape on both sides of the river can't stop singing, and the boat has passed the mountains. Taking the light boat as a reference, the overlapping peaks on both sides are still. If you want to move as fast as the boat described by the poet, how many days will it take for you to start from Mohe in the north of China to reach Zengmu dark sand in the south, with a total length of 5500km?

A thousand li Jiangling can be returned in one day - 5.5 thousand li takes 5, 5 divided by 2 = 2.75 days

China has a vast territory. The northernmost end is located in the center line of Heilongjiang main channel to the north of Mohe River, and the southernmost end is in Zengmu dark sand near 4% N latitude
China has a vast territory. The northernmost end is located in the center line of Heilongjiang main waterway to the north of Mohe River, and the southernmost end is in Zengmu dark sand near 4% of north latitude, with a distance of about 5500 km from north to south. The magnificent Great Wall starts from Jiayuguan in Gansu Province in the West and ends at Shanhaiguan in Hebei Province in the East. It is one of the world miracles created by ancient Chinese people and a monument in the history of human civilization. 55 / 67 of the total length of the Great Wall is the distance between the north and the south of China. Please figure out the total length of the Great Wall.

A: suppose the total length of the Great Wall is X
55-67 times x = 5500
The solution is x = 6700
A: the total length of the Great Wall is 6700 kilometers