1. The product of numerator and denominator is the simplest fraction of 455. How many are there

1. The product of numerator and denominator is the simplest fraction of 455. How many are there

1/455 5/91 7/65 13/35

The sum of all the simplest true fractions whose denominator is 12 is______ .

All the simplest true fractions with denominator 12 are: 1125127121112, their sum is: 112 + 512 + 712 + 1112, = (112 + 1112) + (512 + 712), = 1 + 1, = 2

A simplest fraction, whose product of numerator and denominator is 28, may be______ .

Since 28 = 4 × 7 = 1 × 28, the simplest truth score may be 47 or 128

For a fraction, the sum of numerator and denominator is 28. If the fraction is divided by two seventh, the sum of numerator and denominator is 71. The fraction is ()
Solving linear equation with one variable

Let the denominator be x, then the numerator is 28-x
The score is 3 / 25