For a simplest fraction, the sum of numerator and denominator is 17, and the least common multiple of numerator and denominator is 60. What is the simplest fraction There's no reward. Please understand. It's a process

For a simplest fraction, the sum of numerator and denominator is 17, and the least common multiple of numerator and denominator is 60. What is the simplest fraction There's no reward. Please understand. It's a process

If the numerator is x, the denominator is 17-x,
Because it is the simplest true fraction and the least common multiple of numerator and denominator is 60,
So x (17-x) = 60,
The solution is x = 5 or x = 12,
But only 5 / 12 of them are satisfied

The least common multiple of the numerator and denominator of the simplest true fraction is 42, so what is the simplest fraction
Come on, it's tomorrow,


If you add a number to the molecule of the simplest fraction, the fraction is equal to 5 / 7. If you subtract the same number from its molecule, the fraction is equal to 5 / 7
The original minimalist score is ()


It is known that three eighths of the sixth grade is equal to two fifths of the fifth grade
Do with conversion unit "1"

Three eighths of sixth grade equals two fifths of fifth grade
Sixth grade equals fifth grade: 2 / 5 △ 3 / 8 = 16 / 15
(this step is to convert unit 1)
Grade 5: 310 ÷ (16 / 15 + 1) = 150
Grade 6: 310-150 = 160