The sum of numerator and denominator of a fraction is 23. If both numerator and denominator are subtracted by 1, it becomes 1 / 2, the denominator

The sum of numerator and denominator of a fraction is 23. If both numerator and denominator are subtracted by 1, it becomes 1 / 2, the denominator

Suppose the numerator is x and the denominator is y, and Y is not equal to 1 and 0. According to the condition, we get x + y = 23, (x-1) / (Y-1) = 1 / 2, and the solution is x = 8 and y = 15, then the denominator is 15

If you add 1 to the numerator, the value of a fraction is half. If you add 1 to the denominator, the value is one third. What is the fraction?

So the score is 3 / 8
Three out of eight
Have a good time