When the numerator of a fraction is expanded 10 times and the denominator is reduced 10 times, it will be 10 out of 19. The original fraction is ()

When the numerator of a fraction is expanded 10 times and the denominator is reduced 10 times, it will be 10 out of 19. The original fraction is ()

When the numerator of a fraction is expanded 10 times and the denominator is reduced 10 times, it will be 10 out of 19. The original fraction is (1 / 190)

Add the same number to the numerator and denominator of 9 / 17 to get 3 / 4. What is the number added

3 / 4 = 58 / 51, 9 / 17 = 68 / 36
51-36 = 15 9 + 15 = 24 17 + 15 = 32, that is 24 / 32, about 3 / 4

Add the same number to the numerator and denominator of 9 / 17 to get 3 / 4. What is the number?
Better not use the equation, thank you

Solution 1: (equation)
9 + X / 17 + x = 3 / 4, 36 + 4x = 51 + 3x, x = 15. Verification: 9 + 15 / 17 + 15 = 24 / 32 = 3 / 4, so add 15
Solution 2: (scale property)

A minimalist fraction is equal to 34 when its numerator is doubled and its denominator is tripled______ .

Reduce the numerator of 34 by two times and expand the denominator by three times, and the result is: 34 = 3 ÷ 24 × 3 = 1.512, because the numerator of fraction can not be a decimal, and then simplify it to 18. A: this fraction was originally 18, so the answer is: 18