If the numerator of the simplest fraction is divided by 2 and the denominator is multiplied by 3, it will be reduced to 29 / 3. The simplest fraction is(

If the numerator of the simplest fraction is divided by 2 and the denominator is multiplied by 3, it will be reduced to 29 / 3. The simplest fraction is(

Let the numerator be x and the denominator be y
Then: (x / 2) / (3Y) = 29 / 3, the numerator divided by a number is equal to the denominator multiplied by the same number, so x / 6y = 29 / 3, because it is the simplest fraction, so the minimum of two denominators is 6, then x / 6y = 58 / 6, so x / y = 58 / 1

2. A minimalist fraction, whose numerator is divided by 2 and denominator is multiplied by 3, will be reduced to 3 / 29___________ . do me a favor

What is the simplest score____ 18/29_______ .
If the numerator is divided by 2 and the denominator is multiplied by 3, the original simplest fraction is divided by 6 to get 3 / 29. Therefore, the original simplest fraction is 18 / 29

The simplest fraction, whose numerator is divided by 2 and denominator is multiplied by 3, is reduced to 3 / 29__ .
In particular, why is the numerator divided by 2 equal to the denominator multiplied by 2? Why is the last denominator 6 multiplied by the numerator 3?

If the molecule is divided by two, the fraction is reduced by two times
If you multiply the denominator by three, the fraction will be reduced by three times
The original score is: 3 / 29 × 2 × 3 = 18 / 29

A minimalist fraction, its numerator multiplied by 2, denominator divided by 3, after reduction is 2 / 3, what is the minimalist fraction?

Because of the simplest fraction, assuming that the numerator is 1, the numerator after transformation is 2. Because the denominator after reduction is 3, the previous denominator is 9
The minimalist score is 1 / 9