A fraction is 13 / 27, the numerator plus a number, the denominator minus the same number, resulting in a band fraction of 2 and 1 / 3. What is the fraction?

A fraction is 13 / 27, the numerator plus a number, the denominator minus the same number, resulting in a band fraction of 2 and 1 / 3. What is the fraction?

The number is 15

The denominator of a simplest fraction 1327 minus a number, the numerator plus the same number, the new fraction can be reduced to 35, the number is______ .

Let this number be x, then 13 + x27 − x = 35, 5 × (13 + x) = 3 × (27-x), & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 65 + 5x = 81-3x, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 8x = 16, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X

A fraction is thirteen out of twenty-seven, the numerator is added to a certain number, the denominator is subtracted from a certain number, and the fraction is about five thirds
No equations

Let a number be X

For a simplest fraction, the sum of numerator and denominator is 86. If 9 is subtracted from both numerator and denominator, the result is 8 / 9. Find the original simplest fraction
